Hot Mess
Hot Karl x Game Changer
Raised by Skidgel
Purchased from Allen/Newcomb
Hot Mess just sired the Supreme Ram at Reno in 2019. This added on to his long list of winnings across the country at all levels. We used him as an AI sire last year on a few ewes and raised a Reserve Division at San Antonio. When we talked to Ty Allen this year about purchasing a mature ram, we never dreamed Hot Mess would be an option. Obviously, we jumped at the chance when he was available. We believe his added mass and width is exactly what we need as the next step for our herd. There will be limited semen options available so feel free to contact us with any inquires. |
Chicken Dance
Shower Chicken x D012 (Fate x Stud Duck)
Raised by Middlesworth
Flushmate to Zoo Creature, Dejavu, and Road Rage |
Pony x Stud Duck
Raised by Middlesworth |
2019 AI Sires
Drop the Mic, OCD, Kobra Kai
Prior years included -
Angry Dragon, Because I Can, Living the Dream, Apollo |